This story covers a period of five years and is ongoing.
ASMK56 is notorious in Siwa for his failure to pay debts, stealing of food, materials, land, and money. He has stolen from friends, neighbours, people working for him, and even from individuals and communities who have helped him, his wife, and his baby to survive. There are several confirmed stories of his wrongdoing.
During his tough times in the desert, workers helped ASMK56 daily by bringing him bread and other food from their homes. However, the scammer started stealing from these same workers.
In February 2022, ASMK56 requested a worker to order a truckload of wood as he was expecting visitors. He needed the wood for firewood to keep warm as it was winter. The worker bought the amount of wood requested by ASMK56 and informed him that it cost 1300 pounds. However, ASMK56 then told the worker that he didn’t want the wood anymore, claiming that he didn’t have the money and didn’t need it. The poor worker had to pay for the wood out of his own pocket, and until now, the wood remains unpaid and stored at the worker’s place. Remember, this is the same worker who has been helping ASMK56 almost every day with free food, drinking water, and even gasoline.
In September 2022, ASMK56’s wooden house burned down. The word in Siwa amongst the locals is that he set fire to the house himself to beg for more money. He was the only witness around when the incident occurred. More about this in a separate story. After the event, ASMK56 visited a female acquaintance at her house. He noticed she had two phones on the table and asked if she needed both. He needed one, but because of her culture, she was embarrassed that he had put his eyes on her belongings and said he wanted it. Out of politeness, she gave him the phone, but after taking it, he told her it was old and not working. However, he did not return the phone and probably sold it to get money.
In another case, a different worker offered an old vehicle for sale, and ASMK56 agreed to buy it. He received the vehicle but, as expected, did not pay for it. These poor workers work per day and get paid per day, and until this day, ASMK56 owes 2000 pounds.
ASMK56 asked a Siwan person to get him materials like stones. This person asked for the money so he could buy the materials, but ASMK56 responded that he had no money and demanded the materials for free. The Siwan person replied that if he had the materials, he would give them for free, but he had to buy them first, so he refused to buy the materials. ASMK56 then went to the Sheikh of the tribe to complain, but the Sheikh heard the complaint and told this member of his tribe, “leave him; he is a crazy man.”
The neighbours in the area also saw ASMK56 stealing food from their gardens and farms. When people ask for money for the things he has taken, he responds by saying, “No, you have to help me.” He has an entitled attitude where he demands help and materials for free.
More on this behaviour in other stories.
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